Monday, August 14, 2006

Perhaps I have a problem...

Latest post in knitting blog here.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

More stash building

Now on knitting blog, more yarn acquisitions....

Friday, August 11, 2006



Sunday, August 06, 2006

My god, someone take her credit card away!

Too much stash building posted in knitting blog.

The fruits of my labors

I love this state, the climate, the particular place we live... because put together it enables me to get home after work, walk to the end of the road, and pick about 6 cups of blackberries in a half hour or so.

Which I then turned into cobbler.

Which, to quote the boy, "I think this cobler is better than peach cobler... Yum." Success!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


So they've got this thing around here called SEAFAIR. It's cool. And involves the Blue Angels practicing all of Thursday and Friday over the water only a few miles from my office building. Do you know how distracting this is? It is very distracting.

But it is also cool. =D

Anyway, today we drove down to Bellevue and on my coworker's advise just found a little park on Main Street from which to watch the show. Next year we should probably get actual tickets to the actual, official seating area (miles away at the south end of Lake Washington), but this was still pretty good.

There was a slow set of 4 jets that did some formation flying, lots of loops, and lots of smoke rings and stuff.

Then there was the rather giant 4-propeller plane. (The boy opined that it was for refueling or cargo or something.)

And then the Blue Angels showed up. =D They're very fast. And loud (when they come near you). Um. I really don't have a good description for it.

But there was this cool incident when a bald eagle flew over the park and circled us for several minutes. Bald eagle. Military jets. Bald eagle. Whoo!

No pictures. 'Cause I suck.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Another Lion Band Homespun hat