Saturday, October 28, 2006

Recycling, transfer station, and squash

The boy and I took a load of metal, chemicals, and batteries to a local, free recycling event this afternoon. Goodbye used batteries! Yay! And goodbye goddamned wheel barrow and crushed step ladder that have been haunting me for years! Woohoo!!!

Then we kept going to the local transfer station in Bellevue/Factoria, where - also for free - we got rid of some used flourescent lightbulbs and some Draino and other nasty household chemicals we inheritted from the previous owners.

Then we came home and did various worthless stuff. In particular though, I drug the boy into the yard and made him help me with the last of the squash in the garden. There were two spaghetti squash, some yellow squash which had gone to seed (aka turned all big and hard and warty) which I will use for Halloween decorations, and a crapload of zucchini. I cannot believe the plants. They are still producing!! Zucchini are scary.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

First necklace

I am feeling very arty lately. I've never tried making jewelry before - it always seemed horribly girly - but lately I've been desiring more necklaces and chokers of a style I actually like. So, when I was in Joann's Fabrics today and saw the bead section, I paused and reconsidered. And then I picked out a random assortment of beads, fasteners, and string to try some things out. I'm sure a true maker of jewelry (such as Lael) would be horrified at my lack-of-knowing-what-the-heck-I-was-doing. But I didn't care. And I ended up with a passable necklace. Pictures follow but are rather crappy. Oh well, you get the general idea.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dahlia art

Something I painted a few nights ago. Sorry for the crappy image quality, but I just scanned it in 3 different pieces and stitched them together (badly) to get the idea across.