Shaping the yard to suit me
Yes, I could also put down a germination-blocking chemical compound, but I prefer to practice chemical-free gardening whenever possible. Having a well and a chemistry degree results in a great paranoia about ground water and decomposition products.
Before and after:
Oh, and I am officially not smart enough to come in out of a light rain. A heavier one, though, that I will avoid. We finally got some rain. There's something about going a month or so without serious rain that makes me nervous. The Seattle area isn't supposed to be dry, it's just not right. So, I actually just stood around in the sprinkles and enjoyed it. Most of it has been pretty light, but at least it should settle the dust and make the lawn look a bit less dead. I'll try to remember to check the rain gauge tomorrow.
Then for some reason I had a burst of energy and inspiration (aka insanity) and decided that the only way to plant the two hostas I had neglected in their store pots for far too long (and have them have adequate soil and be able to collect water without it instantly draining downhill) was to create a terrace. Our lot is on a hill. It's more gentle than some of the neighboring lots, thankfully, but it results in a lot of terracing for me. I've gotten pretty good at throwing up little, rock, retaining walls.
Hostas are, from top counter-clockwise, unknown, "Snow Cap", unknown (though I think it was called something like blue arrow, but I can't find the tag), and "Zounds". The two ones whose names I can't remember were already planted, and the two with names are post-terrace additions. I hadn't been planning to terrace this area of the yard, but it makes a lot of sense.
(Rocks of course are from our ~lovely~ "sandy" soil. The sand pieces are just very large. -_- I added a lot of compost/fertilizer to the holes before planting the hostas.)