Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shaping the yard to suit me

I had one target gardening project today: permanently kill the weeds under a section of the deck. This is accomplished by pulling the existing weeds, putting down a cloth-like weed barrier and tacking it in place with 4" metal staples, and covering the whole thing with bark chips.

Yes, I could also put down a germination-blocking chemical compound, but I prefer to practice chemical-free gardening whenever possible. Having a well and a chemistry degree results in a great paranoia about ground water and decomposition products.

Before and after:

Oh, and I am officially not smart enough to come in out of a light rain. A heavier one, though, that I will avoid. We finally got some rain. There's something about going a month or so without serious rain that makes me nervous. The Seattle area isn't supposed to be dry, it's just not right. So, I actually just stood around in the sprinkles and enjoyed it. Most of it has been pretty light, but at least it should settle the dust and make the lawn look a bit less dead. I'll try to remember to check the rain gauge tomorrow.

Then for some reason I had a burst of energy and inspiration (aka insanity) and decided that the only way to plant the two hostas I had neglected in their store pots for far too long (and have them have adequate soil and be able to collect water without it instantly draining downhill) was to create a terrace. Our lot is on a hill. It's more gentle than some of the neighboring lots, thankfully, but it results in a lot of terracing for me. I've gotten pretty good at throwing up little, rock, retaining walls.

Hostas are, from top counter-clockwise, unknown, "Snow Cap", unknown (though I think it was called something like blue arrow, but I can't find the tag), and "Zounds". The two ones whose names I can't remember were already planted, and the two with names are post-terrace additions. I hadn't been planning to terrace this area of the yard, but it makes a lot of sense.

(Rocks of course are from our ~lovely~ "sandy" soil. The sand pieces are just very large. -_- I added a lot of compost/fertilizer to the holes before planting the hostas.)

Helicopters, at this time of the morning?

What is this, LA? I haven't seen/heard circling helicopters with spotlights since I lived there. I have no idea what they were doing, but the helicopter buzzed around and around the local crazy's lot for about 15 minutes before leaving, as inexplicably as it arrived.

Okay, to be fair, ex-crazy's lot. He sold it to some people who want to build a house. But that hasn't stopped him from camping there occasionally.

It looked like a police helicopter (I thought I saw red & blue lights), but to be fair there were too many trees in the way for me to be sure of anything.

Okay, off to bed for me. I hope there will be no more distractions....

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Rainier, take 2

We went up to the Mt. Rainier national park today. There's not much to tell. We figured out the drive, how to get around the park, etc. But the mountain was covered in clouds so you couldn't see above about 6,000 feet. (The mountain is over 14,000 feet, for reference.)

We did go for a short hike though and played in a stream. (The boy skipped rocks; I played in the exceptionally fine (and dark black) sandy stream bottom and tried to dam the stream with rocks. Yes, we're juvenile.)

I forgot my camera, so no pictures. Which is a shame, because the wildflowers were gorgeous. =(


I don't get it. Gladioli aren't supposed to be hardy here. All the catalogs won't sell them for fall planting and say they're not hardy in zone 7 to 8 (about where I am). So, what the heck are these doing still alive?

Not that I'm complaining, mind you! I've never had bulbs come back the second year as well as the first year ... until now. I don't know what I'm doing, but the glads seem to love it.

Also, bambii must die! Remember my strawberry plants? Well, the deer mowed them down. Luckily, strawberries are resilient. And all the runners are starting to root and put out their own leaves.

The squash I planted solely to keep down the weeds are looking good. I don't know whether or not I'll get anything from them this year, but they're trying! Look at the little mini squash forming. Isn't it cute? Next year I'll definitely plant them a month or two earlier and be rolling in zucchini.

And, as a bonus, here's my current pile of knitting. 2 finished hats, a pair of socks and a scarf I need to weave in ends on, a felted thing, and a bunch of yarn.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Goth weddings, goth clubbing

Yesterday was K & M's wedding. Wackiest wedding I've been to yet. The bride wore black, the officiant was the DJ from a goth/industrial/gay club, and the family members looked horrified. But the friends such as the boy and I (who obviously know K & M rather well and are used to them) found it all perfectly in line with what we'd expect.

I'm sure the family just sighs and says, "Oh well, at least they're married."

I liked K & M's ceremony: not religious, short, nice vows, and with a nice spark of originality.

Afterwards there was the reception for the family: food and socializing, but not dancing. I spent most of the time talking with L&A. Obviously they're putting L's Google money to good use -- they have moved into a house near twin peaks in San Fran, are occasionally living it up, and A's going to art school for his MFA. It was really good to see both of them again.

After the reception there was a break of a few hours, and then everyone went to King of Clubs, a gay club in Mountain View. I really liked the club. It was very small, basically just a bar with a small dance floor -- I guess there's only a very select market for such clubs -- and friendly. Larger clubs (from what I've seen) are more unfriendly and suspicious. This place, by comparison, had the distinct feel that most of the people knew each other and were friends. The bouncer remembered you once you went in, so you could go back outside for air. The people weren't trying to hit on you. (Although a cross dresser was kind of interested in the boy until it was made clear that he was with me. ^_^) And I liked the music, a nice mix of industrial. I didn't dance though, because I'm a wimp. -_-

And I have no photos to post. None of them came out interesting/good. =(

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Grass obsession, part 2

As the boy and I were standing outside, I said, "And the neighbor hasn't even mowed his lawn all weekend!" Within one minute we heard his mower start up and start mowing rocks and gravel. Spoke too soon.

If you're confused what I'm talking about, see this.

Mexican food at Doug's place

Doug was nice enough to invite me to dinner at his place, even with the boy off at KC's bachelor party. =D I showed up promptly, exactly at 7 on the dot .... to find that everyone (even ET) was late except for me. I'm obviously too prompt. :P But when they say 7, I show up at 7!

Anyway, talked with M, petted the dogs, waited for M&L to show up, then E, and finally J&S. I talked with Doug about whatever he was making, 'cause he enjoys when people are interested in his cooking. And then I got to eat great, home-cooked Mexican food. Mmmmmm!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Another hat, too big for Mei

Morning weeding, flowers, stuff

My garden is finally producing enough flowers to make me happy. Well, almost happy. I need more! Next year I have got to remember to start more annuals from seed. My goal is enough flower power to have several bouquets in the house and one at work.

The parts of the garden I have weeded are looking good.

On the other hand, there are far too many portions that aren't weeded yet. That's what I've been doing for much of this morning.

Oh, and the strawberries are putting out runners. =D I anticipate even more berries next year, if the gal who I got these plants from is correct. Apparently they completely took over a row in her garden when she planted them. Next year I'll probably thin them and take some to the Green Elephant. Spread the joy around!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July fireworks

Woot! Just got back from M's house. Once again, we put on such a show that the neighbors were pulling up chairs to watch. Not only that, they invited their friends to come watch our show. And were cheering us on.

Yeah, we put on a good show. ^_^

Earlier in the day we relaxed on the dock and on floating intertubes, enjoying the sun and warm (75 degree F or so) water. I borrowed a PFD and paddled around in the lake.

Oh, and my blueberries and angel food cake both were total hits. Most excellent. I have three pieces of the cake left, which is the perfect amount for taking to work. Nothing like using the coworkers to dispose of excess baking!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My neighbor has a grass obsession

Anytime my neighbor, let's call him CW, is awake and at home there is approximate a 25% chance that he will be mowing his yard. Sometimes he mows it several times a day. Take this weekend for example: I heard him mowing twice Saturday, twice Sunday, and by 10 AM on the 4th of July (today) he's already mowed it once. I swear to god the man is obsessed.

Oh ... update .... as I am typing this he just started the mower again, for a total of twice so far today.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Free Stuff!!!

So, I did a lot of stuff today. I got up early (for me) and made breakfast, got the trash together and outside and in the truck, took the trash to the end of the road, and then went on out to go to the grocery store. On the way back from the store, I spotted what is possibly the best word in the English language.


It was scribbled in marker on a piece of carboard near the side of the road, next to a box with tantalizing bits of color poking out of the top. My adrenaline surged. =D

Insert the sound of one screech of brakes and u-turn later, and I was busily and excitedly digging through some old person's garbage. And coming up with treasures.

(Ignore the stuff in the background; that's my existing crap.) The best treasure is the glassware in the front. There are two circa-1900 medicine bottles! Plus some assorted hand-blown stuff that I have no clue of the age of and will let Mom sell on eBay. And of course the assorted blue glass and blue ceramic, modern crap and some other various crap.

All in all, a very good start to the day. =D

Saturday, July 01, 2006

24-hour mobeus scarf

Boom City (2006)

So, there is this place north of Seattle, near Tulalip, called Boom City. To get there, simply get off the I-5 at the casino and follow the signs. It's on the Indian Reservation and sells lots of fireworks ... not necessarily legal ones either.

So, we went up there with D, M, C, J&S from the boy's work place. And a couple friends of D's as well. C rode up with us in the truck. He didn't seem too enthused with the whole idea, probably wondering why we were dragging him so far north just for a big fireworks tent. But when we got there, man did his attitude change.

Boom City is laid out like a cross between a flea market and an old-world market, with people standing in their booths calling out to you. "We've got what you need!" "You like the look of this, sir? Well come on over, we can help you out, whatever you want, we've got!" Etc. I watched in amusement as the boys preceded to spend I estimate at least $500, maybe up to $1,000, in mortars, roman candles, and other goodness. My boy in particular secured his reputation as office pyro ... he brought his own zippo lighter, plus the butane refill canister, and had to stop and use it at least once. Hm, that sounds odd, doesn't it? You see, they have a test range at the place, and the boy grabbed a box of $15 mortars withing 5 minutes of being there and headed over to test them out.

Anyway, I just wandered around with my mobeus scarf, knitting away at it happily. I can knit without looking at what I'm doing, which is very nice for something moderately boring like this. Which drew some interesting comments from the vendors; apparently not too many people can walk and knit at the same time, and it seemed to impress people. ^_^