Sunday, July 02, 2006

Free Stuff!!!

So, I did a lot of stuff today. I got up early (for me) and made breakfast, got the trash together and outside and in the truck, took the trash to the end of the road, and then went on out to go to the grocery store. On the way back from the store, I spotted what is possibly the best word in the English language.


It was scribbled in marker on a piece of carboard near the side of the road, next to a box with tantalizing bits of color poking out of the top. My adrenaline surged. =D

Insert the sound of one screech of brakes and u-turn later, and I was busily and excitedly digging through some old person's garbage. And coming up with treasures.

(Ignore the stuff in the background; that's my existing crap.) The best treasure is the glassware in the front. There are two circa-1900 medicine bottles! Plus some assorted hand-blown stuff that I have no clue of the age of and will let Mom sell on eBay. And of course the assorted blue glass and blue ceramic, modern crap and some other various crap.

All in all, a very good start to the day. =D


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